太刀川 英輔 (たちかわ えいすけ)
NOSIGNER代表 / JIDA(公益社団法人日本インダストリアルデザイン協会)理事長 / 進化思考提唱者 / デザインストラテジスト / 2025大阪関西万博日本館基本構想クリエイター/国立阿南工業高等専門学校 特命教授/金沢美術工芸大学 客員教授/まち未来製作所 取締役/ナオライ株式会社 社外取締役/47PLANNING 社外取締役
NOSIGNER Representative / Design strategist / Evolution Thinking Inventor / JIDA President / Keio University Graduate School SDM (Lecturer) / Basic Concept Creator for the 2025 Osaka Kansai Expo’s Japan Pavilion / National Institute of Technology, Anan College(Professor) / Cocre! Project (Creative Director) / Miratsuku NPO Corporation (Director) / Regional Branding Association (Director) / Naorai Co., Ltd. (Outside Director) / 47 PLANNING (Outside Director) / Fukuoka Regional Strategy Promotion Council (FDC) (Senior Fellow)
産学官の様々なセクターの中に変革者を育むため、生物の進化という自然現象から創造性の本質を学ぶ「進化思考」を提唱し、生物学者・経済学者らが選ぶ日本を代表する学術賞「山本七平賞」を受賞。デザイナーとしてはプロダクト、グラフィック、建築などの高いデザインの表現力を活かし、グッドデザイン賞金賞、アジアデザイン賞大賞、ドイツデザイン賞金賞他、国内外を問わず100以上のデザイン賞を受賞し、DFAA(Design for Asia Awards)、WAF(World Architecture Festival)、グッドデザイン賞等の審査委員を歴任する。
著書に『進化思考』(海士の風、2021年)『デザインと革新』(パイ インターナショナル、2016年)がある。
Eisuke Tachikawa is a design strategist who designs alternatives for a hopeful future and aims to renew creativity education.
In order to foster change-makers in various sectors of industry, academia, and government, he advocates "Evolution Thinking," which tells the essence of creativity from the natural phenomenon of biological evolution, and continues to work to spread creative education.
He crosses the boundaries of design fields such as product design, graphic design, and architecture to create successful comprehensive strategies for numerous projects dealing with next-generation energy, regional revitalization, and SDGs.
He has won over 100 design awards worldwide, including the Good Design Gold Award (Japan) and DFA Design for Asia Grand Award (Hong Kong), and served as a judge at various award ceremonies such as Good Design Award, DIA (Design Intelligence Award), DFAA (Design for Asia Award), and WAF (World Architecture Festival). Some of his most famous projects include OLIVE, Tokyo Bousai, PANDAID, YAMAMOTOYAMA, Yokohama DeNA BayStars, YOXO (Yokohama, Japan), and the concept of the Japan Pavilion at the OSAKA, KANSAI EXPO 2025.
He is the writer of "Design and Innovation - 50 ways to create the future" (Pie International, 2016) and "Evolution Thinking" (Ama no Kaze, 2021) which won the YAMAMOTO SHICHIHEI Prize, Japan's leading academic award selected by biologists and economists.